Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer Camp Rules

High Security Summer Camp
Cruise Ship Prison
Fort Fluff
Camp Cupcake

These are some of the names I have heard the Embassy compound called in my two days here.  I am certain there are more.  They do feel rather fitting though, and as James and I left the D-FAC (Cafeteria in lay man's terms) last night, smiling and licking our soft serve ice cream cones he said, "This is the best summer camp ever!" 

At dinner we connected with some of his old friends and laughed while eating food selected from one of 5 different food stations.  And we were invited to join an ultimate frisbee game, a gardening club, a soccer team and go swimming.  They are bringing in some local Iraqi girls on Saturday to do a day of fingernail painting, swimming, and crafts.  Surely the best name is High Security Summer Camp.

Of course I heard mentioned in hushed tones on 3 different occasions today, "We haven't been hit in over a week."  It gets the same volume as when someone says, "She has cancer."  If we say it quietly enough I guess the extremists won't hear us and may just forget about us altogether. 

Oh well, in the meantime we'll blithely eat endless ice cream and then go work it off at the gym with our camp buddies.  And sometime very, very soon I hope we will sleep.


  1. Keep the posts them!

  2. It is always a good morning to read your posts and have a good laugh.

  3. I love reading your posts. I get to live this exciting yet dangerous experience vicariously!

  4. Sounds like Kwajalein. Maybe all military bases are set up the same.

  5. I'm sure military bases are VERY similar everywhere! Your location looks a little more beautiful though. :)

    Thanks all for the comments!

  6. ...that's what Goldie Hawn meant in "Private Benjamin" when complaining to the sergeant that she signed up "..for the OTHER Army; the one with the CONDOS !"

  7. Just as long as it is not an endless sleep.
    Do you have to swim in your helmets, too?
