Sunday, September 25, 2011


As mentioned the State Department and the military are huge (HUGE) fans of acronyms.  The funny thing is that now that their paths have diverged here in Baghdad they're discovering that they have acronyms with the same letters that mean different things.  Which basically throws a huge wrench in communication.

I rarely understand a thing that is being said, but occasionally I make up an acronym and throw it in the mix cause I figure no one's going to notice.  And if they do, they won't want to admit they don't know it so we'll all carry on. 

A couple nights ago at a farewell barbque for one of my colleagues, as we were saying goodbye, I said, "and hey...K.I.T., k?" 

He looked at me blankly.  I said, "uhhhh, it's an acronym - I'm trying to fit in.  Keep In Touch, dude." 

He said, "You're 13."  In shock.

He missed the point.  13 was the last time we made up so many acronyms that we didn't have to use real words.  What does that say about the DOS and MIL? 
Face.  (and yes, I am 13.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I once heard an army officer ask a Marine officer what time the XYZ meeting was (I forget the exact acronym). The Marine shook his head and said "sorry, I don't do Army TLAs."

    TLAs? Three-Letter Acronyms.
