Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Glitch in the Matrix

 I haven't seen the Matrix.  I know, it's shocking so get it out of your system and when you're done being shocked that I missed it, come on back and keep reading.

Ready?  James HAS seen the Matrix.  And loves it.  I know this because he finds an analogy for everything to the Matrix.  

Recently, he started telling about a concept in the movie that they called "glitch in the matrix."  You think your world is real, and then you see little glitches that make you wonder.  Things start to unravel.

James and I have started calling out to each other what these glitches are when we see them.  Some might say the duck and cover is a glitch.  Other glitches could be the bus stop sign....on our one street home... and no bus.  Perhaps the streets named "Hollywood" and "Peachtree" - seriously?  Anyway, you get the idea.  

My most favorite glitch is the money.   Well, the coins.  One day we went in to the PX to buy some household supplies.  I gave the cashier my good, American money and my change was a dollar bill...and these:

I thought it was hilarious that he was clearly handing me back cheap cardboard tokens for my real money... and that he thought he could get away with it.  I cracked a joke, "Oh, yours look pretty good, but the ones I've been making at home look even better."

Blank stare. (Granted, English wasn't his first language, but come on.)

I also find it funny that they are called "gift certificates."  As if I had gotten a gift from the store and not actually earned that change.  And that this gift certificate could be redeemed for 25 cents.  Wow! 

Some might also say it is funny and maybe a bit ironic that on the "gift certificates" is the slogan Operation Enduring Freedom (how much can it endure with cardboard change I ask you?) and the representation of that Operation is a camel and a soldier staring each other down.

"That's right heard me.  I'm here to bring you enduring freedom.  You gonna get on board or make it tough?"  I say that's a battle we can win!

I make fun, and it really is a little crazy, no?  I mean when I leave here do you think Banana Republic and Albertson's will accept my gift certificates?


  1. Hold on to those tokens--they'll probably be worth big money on eBay in 20 years.

  2. It's crazy. They are just hoping that you will somehow get them wet and they will disintegrate and then they will be 35 cents better off. Seriously, what is the point? Why not just give you your regular change?

  3. Word up Dan. If they can survive the water that Laura mentioned I'm sure in a few years my gift certificates will bring us millions on ebay!
