Wednesday, September 28, 2011


OK, so nothing like the picture posted earlier in my blog, but still - it had the makings.

I walked out of work around 5:30 and the sky was sort of eerily...sandy/brown colored.  It was a little more humid than usual and the air seemed thick.  The sun was blocked and the wind was blowing.  And usually the air is pretty dead still. 

Sand wasn't blowing everywhere, but it freaked me out.  I thought...this must be the beginning.  It's going to hit anytime.  I picked up my pace to get home and I wondered if I should call James to warn him to leave soon so he didn't get stuck.  I wondered if we would get shut up in our house for days, and I was worried we hadn't scavenged enough food from the grab and go for our fridge and we would starve.  And by starve I mean we would get really, really hungry for 24 hours. 

No storm.  But I can't describe how strange it felt.  I've lived in all kinds of weather, but I've never felt anything like that.  Strange color, strange stillness, and the uncomfortable expectation of the unknown and un-experienced fear.

I guess that's what is scariest here in Baghdad - not having ANY idea what to expect from anything.  When the rocket hits will it be loud?  Will it throw me or bust through the wall?  When the sandstorm hits will we be blinded or stuck inside for days?  When I show up with my paper money at home will anyone take it?

Yeah, it's a strange new world.  But I figure it's going to help me overcome my fear of anything, including and especially the unknown by the time I get back.  That would be a nice blessing.


  1. So did you ask anyone what caused it? Is it a common occurrence? Why don't you ask someone those questions so you will know what to expect?

  2. After my (horrific) experience as a missionary in the Philippines, I did come away with the feeling that I could deal with anything. That has always been a nice thing to know.
