Saturday, November 19, 2011

Alone at last

The word is out...and so is Pizza Hut.  Just found out they are following Subway out the door and on the plane to safety.  I wish I could say good riddance, but even though I've only had it once since I've been here it's somehow comforting to know Pizza is available.

And so, all semblance of American goodness will shortly be gone.  We are waiting with baited breath to find out if the PX (our little mini-mart) will pull out as well.  It's a military thing, and apparently our State budget isn't quite exorbitant enough to cover the costs.  If I've learned one thing about government over here, it's that the defense budget ROCKS.

The PX has been terribly depleted for about 3 weeks now.  No products on the shelves, just signs that say, "We're sorry - the convoy can't get through."  James went to a meeting with the State Undersecretary on Saturday to calm nerves about what will happen here in January and the primary question people asked was, "When will we get toilet paper again??"  The PX is out and apparently some people are running out.  Can you imagine the panic and chaos that will ensue if they don't re-stock soon??

On the positive side, they do tell us that they will try to lease the empty Subway and Pizza Hut spaces to local restauranteurs.  Which means we may be getting a shwarma place, and well, probably another shwarma place.  I think this is good news and many people are happy, but where will we get pizza?

They are also talking about leasing the PX space out to a local market owner....but I'll tell you what that means: zero reliability on quality of product.

I went to one of the local markets with James a couple weeks ago when the PX ran out of flour and brought home 3 weevil-filled bags of goodness.  Sick.  I know the embassy leadership wants us to believe we are going to be "cared for" but it will definitely not be in the manner to which we are accustomed.  We're going native folks.  Netgrocer is my best friend.

And in netgrocer news, I ordered buko-bucks of groceries 3 weeks ago to make James and I and some friends a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and so far....nothing.  4 days for them to make an appearance and then our Thanksgiving will be made up of mashed potatoes and the smoked turkey we found at the PX.  Please Iraqi convoy--bring my netgrocer to me.


  1. I wanted to ask you if Netgrocer came through in time for your thanksgiving celebration this past weekend, or if you had some tales of unbridled last minute creativity in the kitchen.

  2. As predicted (and per Murphy's law) it arrived...FRIDAY. Seriously. One day people??? Anyway, we got creative. Cauliflower anyone? :)
