Saturday, October 1, 2011

Popcorn (not) Popping

Last night James and I decided to watch a movie and make popcorn.  We had never used our popcorn maker before and we were really excited.  As you can may have deduced from the picture to the left, things did not go as planned.  Pliers are not usually a necessary tool in the popcorn-making process.

When I pulled out the popper, things were jangling around inside the machine.  I looked for the on-off button and it had broken and fallen inside the machine.

First James and I tried to turn it on with pliers and see if it would still work, but instead it almost combusted and filled our kitchen with smoke.

Fine.  So we tried plan B, and cooked it on the stove.  45 minutes later we had about 1 bowl of popcorn, a handful for burnt kernels and a less than delicious treat.  This is a tragedy.  Popcorn was going to be one of my "treats" here in Iraq and not only has our popcorn maker been destroyed, but we never even got to use it once.  I shake my fist at the FS shipping people.  You....(fist shaking)...

Well, time to go to the mysterious PX where you can find everything and nothing and see if they miraculously stocked a popcorn popper this week.  Probably next to the garage door opener.


  1. Recipe for Jalepeno Popcorn:

    Cover the bottom of the pan with oil (probably canola).

    Put in jalepeno slices also to cover the bottom of the pan (like the pickled ones from a can).

    Saute the jalepenos.

    Add popping corn, stir so the oil coats the kernels.

    Cover and pop, stirring occasionally until the popping slows down.

    Put in a paper bag or a big bowl with a lid.

    Add butter and salt.

    Shake vigorously.

  2. Ohhhhh noooo! Wish I could send you some of David's popcorn...I'll have him make some tonight in your honor...

  3. You have no idea how much that comment tormented me Diane. :) My mouth is watering.

    Mark - thanks! If I ever get a popper, I'll give it a try. :)

  4. You have no idea how much that comment tormented me Diane. :) My mouth is watering.

    Mark - thanks! If I ever get a popper, I'll give it a try. :)

  5. Is this your Williams Sonoma popper?
