There is training for everything you want to do. You can't operate on a patient until you are trained. You can't cook a gourmet dinner in a 5 star restaurant until you are trained. You can't be a parent...scratch that. But apparently you also cannot go to Iraq...until you are...yes, trained.
There are four requirements for going to Iraq. One, you have to pass a massive medical exam. Two, you have to pass a security check. Three, you must go to a week long Iraq familiarization course. And finally you have to do a week long program called "crash and bang". More to come on that later.
One and two are getting processed and today number three began. Five days in a classroom to learn all you need to know about Iraq.
It reminds me of when I was a nurse at Camp Blodgett. Just 3 days of First Aid training folks and as far as all those little munchkins knew, I'm an R.N. I imagine I'll be as savvy in Iraq after this week of class as I was when my first camper had a seizure.
Good news...the camper lived.
Nurse Lady! Nurse Lady! Nurse Lady!