Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hoarding = Food Storage

A few days ago we were told some things which I'm not sure if I can say on the blog about our future conditions here.  I will not say them for fear of jeopardizing our position, safety and strategy...but I will tell you this:  I have started to hoard food.  Don't judge me.  If you thought emergency rations might be in your future, you would to.

I will also tell you that we are losing our APO.  This is a tragedy.  It means that our mail service just got a lot slower and less reliable.  We're hoping to get a DPO, but that is not confirmed.  If we don't, it boxes.  And that means, goodbye aveda.  Farewell j.crew.  Adios netgrocer.  nooooooooooo.....

A huge shout out to Gina Valenti of Hilton and Hampton and general friendship fame.  Today, James and I got a box in the mail that we didn't order and weren't planning on getting.  It was from popcornopolis and it was bursting with individual packages of flavored popcorn(s).  I can only assume she took pity on us after reading about how our popcorn popper broke.  We HEART Gina!!!!  There is NOTHING like a care package and nothing like popcorn, and nothing like a friend who remembers you!

Back to Baghdad.  I left the compound for the first time this week.  James and our friend Stewart and I walked across the street (basically) and up the road about 1/2 a mile to a place aptly named "FOB Union 3."  OK, I have no idea what that means, but I'm sure if I did that it would be apt.

It's a military base and a little Arabic shopping mini-mall all in one.  Got yer rugs, got yer Genie lamps, your mini-grocer, your awesome sexy lingerie and got yer popeye's chicken.  Yup, they got it all.

James and I went in search of flour because the PX has been out for over two weeks and I wanted to make Swedish bread. 

We were very excited to find a store that had 3 bags full.  (yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!)  Being kind-hearted Christians (that's right, Dr. Robert Jeffress) we gave away one bag to a friend of James' who entered the store after us and was very sad-faced to find an empty shelf.  That left two.

Until I opened one after we left to make sure it was white (the bag said wheat, but the picture was white.)  It was white.  White flour COVERED in weevils. 


i almost threw up.  the man was kind enough to give us our money back and we found 4 more bags in a second store bringing our total up to five (remember: hoarding) but I am terrified to open each of them.  I am saddened to have to depend on flour that says wheat, is white and could have sat on a shelf for years. 


I'm grateful for flour.  And the swedish bread it made.  Now I must go and eat 12 bags of popcorn.


  1. Wow. That was quite kind of Gina! Good thing that package arrived before the loss of the APO. :(

  2. FOB = Forward Operating Base. Sorry to hear about the flour gone infected! And thanks to James for carrying my pictures on the walk back.

  3. Weevils...that's what you get for being a hoarder.

    Exodus 16:17-20

  4. Why are you eating all of that popcorn now if you are hoarding? Where's your discipline?
