Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Well, this weekend the breaking news was NO troops in 2012.  Looks like the negotiations are done, and Obama has made his decision.  I was asked to shoot the Western media round table with the Ambassador for this announcement.

I have mixed feelings.  I do think it's time to bring our guys and gals home...people are tired of the Iraq war and it's hard to see if there are real benefits.  On the other hand, since being here and talking to the troops I get the sense that they don't feel ready to go.  Some are ready of course, but many feel like their mission isn't over.  They want to help put the pieces of the country back together and to help stabilize the area - leaving now feels a bit like failure.

Leaving also creates potential problems with Iran.  And most importantly, it impacts me.  And the other embassy diplomats here. 

Suddenly I'm losing not only Subway, but a lot of security.  And it doesn't help when the finger waving, American-hating Sadr stands up and says that he considers diplomats invaders too and that if we stay we should die.  Of course we've just become a lot easier target too, which is nice for him.

I don't know what is right, but living over here has certainly muddied up the issue for me.  Should we stay or should we  go?

1 comment:

  1. Hard to say... but I am not happy about you losing security. xo
